Daytona Driver Quotes

#1 Hyundai Elantra N TCR
2021 and 2022 Drivers/Team CHAMPIONS
Started: 11th Finished: 8th Champoinship Standings: 8th
Taylor Hagler: “Our title defense hasn’t started off like we expected at Daytona and our finish doesn’t show how great our #1 Hyundai Elantra N was. It has been great to be back with the team and get back into the swing of things. We finished on the podium at Sebring last year and I’m looking forward to getting after it in March.”
Michael Lewis: “Our team worked so well this week and we just had some bad luck in the race. I was so impressed wtih how the team got our car back on track to finish P8. They are the heroes. On to Sebring!”
#33 Elantra N TCR
Started: Finished: 6th Championship Standings: 6th
Harry Gottsacker IV: “We put up a good fight today and had great pace, but a small issue cost us a few laps. The team worked hard and we were able to get a few laps back, but ended up stuck one lap down in P6. We have a great base to work with during the rest of the season and I’m looking forward to getting back out there and fighting at the pointy end of the grid.”
Robert Wickens: “It wasn’t the Daytona we had hoped for. We had a great car, Harry had a great first stint and gave me the car in the lead. It was looking like a great pitstop and then we couldn’t leave the pitbox because our exhaust pipe had come loose. We ended up two laps down, and managed to get one back and salvage a sixth place finish. It was just one of those days. Hopefully this is the worst of it for us this year. Great job by everyone at Bryan Herta Autosport
, a lot of hard work went into this result.”
#98 Elantra N TCR
Started: Finished: 3rd Championship Standings: 3rd
Mason Filippi: “I had a great stint. Our #98 Elantra N TCR car was fast, I have to hand it to our engineer Chris Finch. I was just tyring to stay out of trouble, with a car that good, I knew we could finish up front as long as we kept it clean. As this four-hour always is…lots of attrition and Mark just killed it out there, it wasn’t easy. I also want to give a shout out to the Florida N Club who joined us at Daytona, their enthusiasm is worth some horsepower for sure.”
Mark Wilkins: “Mason drove a great stint. I’ve really enjoyed the last few weeks first with the Roar, then all the team building with the Hyundai Driver’s Camp and now finishing up with a podium. It was honestly tough. We just didn’t have the pace and then we were struggleing with a little issue at the end. I was just hoping our Elantra N TCR would make it, and it did. We had no hope of a win today, but a podium is a great result, great for points and a good way to start our season together. I feel like a podium at Daytona is like a win for us, and we’ll just build from here.”
Mason Filippi (L) and Mark Wilkins, drivers of the #98 Elantra N TCR finish 3rd at the BMW Endurance Challenge at Daytona International Speedway on January 27, 2023.

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